Who We Are
Raindrop Excellence School (RES) is a private bilingual and multicultural school that began operations in 2005. It offers the educational community preschool, primary, and secondary education incorporated with the Secretariat of Public Education, as well as upper secondary education affiliated with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) through the CCH system.
Our purpose is the comprehensive education of young people with an absolute sense of responsibility in their daily performance. To achieve this, our students are expected to develop a strong social commitment, be environmentally conscious, and integrate scientific and humanistic knowledge with a philosophy of ongoing participation and creation. We meticulously nurture the attitudes and aptitudes of each student.
By bridging academic training and home education, we aim to strengthen ethical values so that our students internalize them, shaping their own personalities within an environment of camaraderie, respect, and discipline.
Our Mission
Our mission is to cultivate students with high levels of excellence in their personal and academic lives, fostering the development of competencies across various disciplines. We aim to enhance critical, analytical, and reflective thinking, enabling them to make informed decisions and express their ideas effectively. Our focus on ethical and civic values is intended to shape responsible and productive future citizens, facilitating their integration into the knowledge society.

Educational Vision
Raindrop Excellence School (RES) is staffed by highly dedicated professionals who view continuous professional development as a way of life. Our team works cohesively with common goals, where universal values are the core of our actions aimed at achieving competencies. We serve as a model for our students to prepare for their future lives and meet both personal and societal needs. Our primary task is to identify our students' learning styles in order to enhance their life competencies.
Message from the Director

Educating for the new millennium has been the cornerstone of Raindrop Excellence School’s philosophy since its inception in 2005. The current globalized world demands citizens who are well-prepared, with ethical values, critical thinking, a culture of legality, health awareness, and the development of communicative competencies in multiple languages. They must understand both the natural and social worlds and achieve excellent personal and social development to live harmoniously. To this end, the institution undertakes a series of national and international projects that allow students to grow within a multicultural and multilingual framework, enabling each of them to be part of a global, national, humane, dynamic, and ever-evolving citizenship.I am confident that the high-quality education we provide is a privileged pathway for each graduate to achieve the highest educational standards, developing successful educational trajectories according to their individual interests.
At Raindrop, we strive to continue the values taught within the family by incorporating socially relevant topics into the curriculum. We promote learning related to values and attitudes, as well as knowledge and skills, with a focus on diversity, community support, gender equity, environmental education, financial literacy, the prevention of school violence, commonly known as bullying, as well as peace education and road safety, among others.Another important aspect developed at RES is the pact among the various educational stakeholders. Its purpose is to promote norms that regulate daily interactions, teaching students the connections between rights and responsibilities, while balancing this with family involvement.
Each graduate carries with them the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to tackle challenges in both everyday and complex situations, which will be invaluable throughout their educational journey and beyond. Viewing the results achieved over the years highlights the cumulative and progressive work of the educational community, including parents, teachers, and students.We extend a special thank you to these educational stakeholders, whose daily efforts have contributed to a better Mexico and have strengthened our cherished institution. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
"Because rain always begins with a single drop"General Director.